emma rosenthal
actor. singer. dancer. baker. powerlifter.
hello! i’m emma.
i’m an actor.
more specifically, i’m an actor who stands 5’0” in socks, can back squat and deadlift twice her own bodyweight, and sing a sustained high e-flat. i also make cakes and pastry and can dance en pointe and fence.
…not all at the same time.
but maybe. i haven’t tried. yet.

i’m really glad you’re here.
you’ve got lots of choices re: learning about actors on the internet, so i’m grateful you decided to spend a few minutes with me.
if you want to hang out a little longer, check out some of the other pages for info beyond my elevator pitch (you know, resume, pictures, press, maybe even some photos of me lifting heavy things…the whole shebang. you get it. this isn’t your first rodeo).
keep scrolling for something sweet…you’re nearly there.